With the spread of Covid-19 we have seen more and more people shift to working remotely from
home, where possible. Interestingly, research from FlexJobs shows us that 65% of respondents said
they were more productive working from home.
This does make sense in some cases. After all, there are fewer distractions at home. There is less
stress caused by a commute, rush hours and traffic. Working from home gives you personal space
and less overall noise. All meaning that you can work better at home, for some people.
However, there are the other people that have young children at home. Working from the kitchen
table is never easy. Having children around you asking constant questions is also not a great setting
to get work done from.
While we are only on a temporary lock down for now, what if things change and your employers see
the benefits of their employees working from home. Could this be a long term option for you?
Nailing that home office setting is essential if you are working from home. The kitchen table is not
the best option, and a separate office or work space will be what you need. This could be an office
building at the back of your garden for example. Your garage could be converted into a home office
or a spare room could be upgraded to become a high quality home office.
Having a room in your home, that you can close the door on at the end of the day, makes for the
perfect home office. It allows your home to be your sanctuary of peace and family – and it means
your office space is for work only.
When planning your home office you need to think about a few things. This will help you decide
whether the spare room will do the job, or if a new build in the back garden or a garage renovation is
better for you.
Think about how much space you will need in your office. Will one small desk do the trick or do you
need storage space, a large desk, a work space and more? Think about disruptions and noise too.
Being in the home can mean you still hear the noises from the house, but an out building or garage
will avoid this.
It’s really important to think about your lighting too. Natural lighting is always the best option,
wherever possible. If you can have your desk looking outside this is the ideal solution. However, you
want to make sure there is no glare on your screens from the sunshine too.
There are so many things to consider when it comes to home offices. Why not call our team to
discuss the best home office solution for you. If it’s an out building you are considering, we may be
able to start sooner than you think!